Tampers and events
Some commands, such as Read and Network Status, retrieve and display a meter or ERT's tamper values and information from its memory. This information is primarily for use in troubleshooting problems with the meter or ERT.
For multi-mode capable devices, the tamper and event data they collect—and therefore retrieve and display from memory—differ, depending on whether it is operating in mobile mode or network mode. For more information, see Understand mobile mode and network mode.
Expand the device type you're working with for its tamper and event details.
Gas meters and ERTs

ERT type/subtype |
Event or tamper |
40G/40GB |
Magnetic. Detects the presence of an external magnetic field. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
40G Remote |
Cable Cut. Detects a cut or break in the cable. Cable Cut/Magnetic. Detects a cut or break in the cable, and detects the presence of an external magnetic field. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |

ERT type/subtype |
Event or tamper available and their description |
100G |
Magnetic. Detects the presence of an external magnetic field. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
100G Remote |
Cable Cut. Detects a cut or break in the cable. Cable Cut/Magnetic. Detects a cut or break in the cable, and detects the presence of an external magnetic field. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
16 | Tilt Debounce Parameter Changed | The tilt debounce parameter has changed. |
20 | High Flow Detected | The ERT detects consumption that exceeds the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after being in a high flow state. Note: If the ERT is in a high flow detected state and high flow detection is disabled, then this event is logged immediately. |
28 | Encoder Micro Reset | The device has detected that the encoder micros has reset unexpectedly. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
501 |
Rightsizing Started |
A rightsizing operation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. |
502 |
Rightsizing Completed |
The rightsizing operation is complete. |
503 |
Rightsizing Canceled. |
A rightsizing operation cancellation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. A rightsizing operation cancellation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
508 |
Set Meter Rightsizing Params |
The meter rightsizing parameters have been changed. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
22 |
Extended High Flow Detected |
The meter detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
23 |
Extended High Flow End |
The meter detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
24 |
High Temperature Detected |
The device detects that the temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold. |
25 |
High Temperature End |
The device detects that the temperature has dropped below the high temperature threshold after having been in a high temperature state. |
26 |
Air In Pipe Detected |
The device detects air in the meter, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
27 |
Air In Pipe End |
The device no longer detects air in the meter. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
518 |
Entering Prover Mode |
The meter has entered prover mode. |
519 |
Exiting Prover Mode |
The meter has existed prover mode. |
520 |
Flow While Disconnected Detected |
The valve is in a disconnected state but flow has been detected by the device. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
521 |
Button Press/LCD On |
The meter's push button has been depressed causing the LCD to turn on. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
522 |
Flow Sensor Hard Failure |
The device has detected that its flow sensor has failed. An ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU) hard error. This is an unrecoverable error. |
523 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range Detected |
The device has detected that the flow is outside the physical range of the measurement sensor. Qmin or Qmax exceeded. |
524 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range End |
The device has detected that the flow has returned to a level within the physical range of the measurement sensor after having been outside the range. |
526 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range Detected |
The device has detected that the gas temperature is outside the range of the temperature sensor (temperature max exceeded, temperature min exceeded). |
527 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range End |
The device has detected that the gas temperature has returned to a value within the range of the temperature sensor after having been outside the range. |
528 |
Flow Sensor Measurement Error |
The device has detected that a flow sensor measurement error has occurred. This is an unrecoverable error. |
529 |
Transducer Error |
The device has detected that its ultrasonic transducers have an issue which is reflected by an abnormal gain or an abnormal Tup/Tdown (time required by the ultrasonic signal from the emitter to the receiver). This is an unrecoverable error. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3009 |
Arm Completed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received and has completed. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3010 |
Arm Failed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3024 |
Valve Life Nearing Maximum |
The valve actuation threshold has been exceeded. This will trigger at a count of 76 actuations for the Intelis Gas meter. |
3027 |
Valve Operation Override |
An override operation has occurred for this valve. |
3028 |
Auto Disconnect Initiated |
An auto disconnect occured in the meter. |
3031 |
Prover Mode Maximum Time Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Maximum Time setting. |
3032 |
High Flow Sampling Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Sampling Configuation setting. |
3033 |
High Temperature Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Temperature Event Configuration Setting. |
3034 |
High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed |
The High Flow Disconnect Enable configuration setting has changed. |
3035 |
High Temperature Disconnect Enable Changed |
The high temperature automatic disconnect configuration setting has changed. |
3036 |
Air in Pipe Disconnect Enable Changed |
The air in pipe automatic disconnect configuration setting has changed. This event occurs with an application-level security failure for access control. |
3037 |
Prover Mode Pulse Width Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Width setting. |
3038 |
Prover Mode Pulse Weight Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Weight setting. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10022 | Meter Calibrated | The meter has been calibrated. |
10026 |
Potential Index Corruption Detected |
The device has detected that its index value(s) may have become corrupted. The device should be replaced. |
10027 |
Meter Calibrated - A2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration A2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10028 |
Meter Calibrated - B1 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B1 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10029 |
Meter Calibrated - B2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10030 |
Meter Calibrated - B3 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B3 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
5 |
Magnetic Detectedd |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
22 |
Extended High Flow Detected |
The meter detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
23 |
Extended High Flow End |
The meter detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
24 |
High Temperature Detected |
The device detects that the temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold. |
25 |
High Temperature End |
The device detects that the temperature has dropped below the high temperature threshold after having been in a high temperature state. |
26 |
Air In Pipe Detected |
The device detects air in the meter, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
27 |
Air In Pipe End |
The device no longer detects air in the meter. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Loadd Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
518 |
Entering Prover Mode |
The meter has entered prover mode. |
519 |
Exiting Prover Mode |
The meter has existed prover mode. |
520 |
Flow While Disconnected Detected |
The valve is in a disconnected state but flow has been detected by the device. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
521 |
Button Press/LCD On |
The meter's push button has been depressed causing the LCD to turn on. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
522 |
Flow Sensor Hard Failure |
The device has detected that its flow sensor has failedd. An ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU) hard error. This is an unrecoverable error. |
523 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range Detected |
The device has detected that the flow is outside the physical range of the measurement sensor. Qmin or Qmax exceeded. |
524 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range End |
The device has detected that the flow has returned to a level within the physical range of the measurement sensor after having been outside the range. |
526 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range Detected |
The device has detected that the gas temperature is outside the range of the temperature sensor (temperature max exceeded, temperature min exceeded). |
527 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range End |
The device has detected that the gas temperature has returned to a value within the range of the temperature sensor after having been outside the range. |
528 |
Flow Sensor Measurement Error |
The device has detected that a flow sensor measurement error has occurred. This is an unrecoverable error. |
529 |
Transducer Error |
The device has detected that its ultrasonic transducers have an issue whichis reflected by an abnormal gain or an abnormal Tup/Tdown (time required by the ultrasonic signal from the emitter to the receiver). This is an unrecoverable error. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3009 |
Arm Completed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received and has completed. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3010 |
Arm Failed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3024 |
Valve Life Nearing Maximum |
The valve actuation threshold has been exceeded. This will trigger at a count of 76 actuations for the Intelis Gas meter. |
3027 |
Valve Operation Override |
An override operation has occurred for this valve. |
3028 |
Auto Disconnect Initiated |
An auto disconnect occurred in the meter. |
3031 |
Prover Mode Maximum Time Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Maximum Time setting. |
3032 |
High Flow Sampling Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Sampling Configuation setting. |
3033 |
High Temperature Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Temperature Event Configuration Setting. |
3034 |
High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed |
The High Flow Disconnect Enable configuration setting has changed. |
3035 |
High Temperature Disconnect Enable Changed |
The high temperature automatic disconnect configuration setting has changed. |
3036 |
Air in Pipe Disconnect Enable Changed |
The air in pipe automatic disconnect configuration setting has changed. This event occurs with an application-level security failure for access control. |
3037 |
Prover Mode Pulse Width Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Width setting. |
3038 |
Prover Mode Pulse Weight Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Weight setting. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10022 | Meter Calibrated | The meter has been calibrated. |
10026 |
Potential Index Corruption Detected |
The device has detected that its index value(s) may have become corrupted. The device should be replaced. |
10027 |
Meter Calibrated - A2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration A2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10028 |
Meter Calibrated - B1 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B1 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10029 |
Meter Calibrated - B2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10030 |
Meter Calibrated - B3 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B3 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
16 | Tilt Debounce Parameter Changed | The tilt debounce parameter has changed. |
20 | High Flow Detected | The ERT detects consumption that exceeds the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after being in a high flow state. Note: If the ERT is in a high flow detected state and high flow detection is disabled, then this event is logged immediately. |
28 | Encoder Micro Reset |
The device has detected that the encoder micros has reset unexpectedly. Remote-mount Itron Cellular 500G Modules only. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering Network Mode |
The device has been changed to network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
532 |
Configuration operation failed - Legally Relevant Event Log full |
A configuration change requiring legally relevant logging is requested and failed because the Legally Relevant Log is full. |
542 |
Fixed Network Connection Check Enable Changed |
The Fixed Network Connection Check Enable (attribute 2) has changed. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3040 |
High Flow Threshold Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Event Configuration. |
3048 |
EDHOC Initiated |
The EDHOC process has been initiated. |
3049 |
EDHOC Failed |
An error occurred during the EDHOC process. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
16 | Tilt Debounce Parameter Changed | The tilt debounce parameter has changed. |
20 | High Flow Detected | The ERT detects consumption that exceeds the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after being in a high flow state. Note: If the ERT is in a high flow detected state and high flow detection is disabled, then this event is logged immediately. |
28 | Encoder Micro Reset |
The device has detected that the encoder micros has reset unexpectedly. Remote-mount Itron Cellular 500G Modules only. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering Network Mode |
The device has been changed to network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
532 |
Configuration operation failed - Legally Relevant Event Log full |
A configuration change requiring legally relevant logging is requested and failed because the Legally Relevant Log is full. |
542 |
Fixed Network Connection Check Enable Changed |
The Fixed Network Connection Check Enable (attribute 2) has changed. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3040 |
High Flow Threshold Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Event Configuration. |
3048 |
EDHOC Initiated |
The EDHOC process has been initiated. |
3049 |
EDHOC Failed |
An error occurred during the EDHOC process. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
16 | Tilt Debounce Parameter Changed | The tilt debounce parameter has changed. |
18 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Detected |
A physical cut cable has been detected by the ERT. |
19 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) End |
A physical cut cable is no longer detected by the ERT. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
501 |
Rightsizing Started |
A rightsizing operation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. |
502 |
Rightsizing Completed |
The rightsizing operation is complete. |
503 |
Rightsizing Canceled. |
A rightsizing operation cancellation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. A rightsizing operation cancellation request for the ERT has been sent from the client. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
508 |
Set Meter Rightsizing Params |
The meter rightsizing parameters have been changed. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10022 |
Meter Calibrated |
The meter has been calibrated. Note: The calibration values cannot e read from the meter and the calibration parameters sent to the meter do not have relevance past that instantaneous point in time so there is no need to include them in details. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
5 |
Magnetic Detected |
The meter has detected an external magnetic field. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
22 |
Extended High Flow Detected |
The meter detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
23 |
Extended High Flow End |
The meter detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
24 |
High Temperature Detected |
The device detects that the temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold. |
25 |
High Temperature End |
The device detects that the temperature has dropped below the high temperature threshold after having been in a high temperature state. |
26 |
Air In Pipe Detected |
The device detects air in the meter, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
27 |
Air In Pipe End |
The device no longer detects air in the meter. |
28 |
Encoder Micro Reset |
The meter detects that the micro has reset unexpectedly. The meter must be replaced. |
31 |
High Pressure Detected |
The meter detects the gas pressure has exceeded the high pressure threshold. |
32 |
High Pressure End |
The meter detects the gas pressure has dropped below the high pressure threshold after it was detected to be in a high pressure state. |
33 |
Low Pressure Detected |
The meter detects the gas pressure has fallen below the low pressure threshold. |
34 |
Low Pressure End |
The meter detects the gas pressure has risen above the low pressure threshold after it was detected to be in a low pressure state. |
35 |
Pressure Tamper Detected |
The meter detects the gas gauge pressure has exceeded the pressure tamper threshold. |
36 |
Pressure Tamper End |
The meter detects the gas gauge pressure has dropped below the pressure tamper threshold after it was detected to be in a pressure tamper state. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
518 |
Entering Prover Mode |
The meter has entered prover mode. |
519 |
Exiting Prover Mode |
The meter has existed prover mode. |
520 |
Flow While Disconnected Detected |
The valve is in a disconnected state but flow has been detected by the device. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
521 |
Button Press/LCD On |
The meter's push button has been depressed causing the LCD to turn on. Note: This event does not have an end event but is debounced every 24 hours. So, for a device that is continually in this state, the event will be logged one time every 24 hours. |
522 |
Flow Sensor Hard Failure |
The device has detected that its flow sensor has failed. An ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU) hard error. This is an unrecoverable error. |
523 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range Detected |
The device has detected that the flow is outside the physical range of the measurement sensor. Qmin or Qmax exceeded. |
524 |
Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range End |
The device has detected that the flow has returned to a level within the physical range of the measurement sensor after having been outside the range. |
526 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range Detected |
The device has detected that the gas temperature is outside the range of the temperature sensor (temperature max exceeded, temperature min exceeded). |
527 |
Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range End |
The device has detected that the gas temperature has returned to a value within the range of the temperature sensor after having been outside the range. |
528 |
Flow Sensor Measurement Error |
The device has detected that a flow sensor measurement error has occurred. This is an unrecoverable error. |
529 |
Transducer Error |
The device has detected that its ultrasonic transducers have an issue whichis reflected by an abnormal gain or an abnormal Tup/Tdown (time required by the ultrasonic signal from the emitter to the receiver). This is an unrecoverable error. |
531 |
EFC State Changed |
The meter's EFC current state has changed or the meter's parent in the Neighborhood MAC Address array has changed. |
532 |
Configuration Operation Failed - Legally Relevant Event Log Full |
The Legally Relevant Log is full and a configuration change occurred that requires logging to the Legally Relevant Log. The configuration change log failed. |
535 |
UMU Unexpected CRC Detected |
The meter index has detected an unexpected UMU CRC. This may occur when the UMU fails to calculate its CRC at boot. The error can usually be resolved by causing a reset of the UMU. |
536 |
UMU Unexpected CRC End |
The UMU CRC has returned to an expected value after an unexpected value had been detected. |
537 |
Gas Pressure Sensor Failure |
The meter detected that its gas pressure sensor has encountered an unrecoverable failure. The meter's LCD alarm menu should present the failure as fatal. The meter (including the UMU) must be replaced. Event details provide more information on the cause of the failure. |
538 |
Flow While Disconnected End |
The valve is likely in a Closed state and the meter no longer detects flow after having detected flow and triggering event 532 (Flow while disconnected). |
543 |
Barometric Pressure Sensor Failure |
The meter detected that its barometric pressure sensor encountered an unrecoverable failure. The meter's LCD alarm menu should present the failure as fatal. The meter's index must be replaced. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3002 |
DST Periods Exhausted |
The DST calendar has reached its end. A new DST calendar must be downloaded |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3009 |
Arm Completed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received and has completed. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3010 |
Arm Failed |
The ARM (for reconnect) command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3024 |
Valve Life Nearing Maximum |
The valve actuation threshold has been exceeded. This will trigger at a count of 76 actuations for the Intelis Gas meter. |
3027 |
Valve Operation Override |
An override operation has occurred for this valve. |
3028 |
Auto Disconnect Initiated |
An auto disconnect occurred in the meter. |
3031 |
Prover Mode Maximum Time Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Maximum Time setting. |
3032 |
High Flow Sampling Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Sampling Configuation setting. |
3033 |
High Temperature Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Temperature Event Configuration Setting. |
3034 |
High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed |
The High Flow Disconnect Enable configuration setting has changed. |
3035 |
High Temperature Disconnect Enable Changed |
The high temperature automatic disconnect configuration setting has changed. |
3037 |
Prover Mode Pulse Width Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Width setting. |
3038 |
Prover Mode Pulse Weight Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the Prover Mode Pulse Weight setting. |
3039 |
DHCP Address Index Changed |
A change has been made to one of the DHCP address indexes. |
3040 |
High Flow Threshold Configuration Changed |
A change has been made to the High Flow Event configuration threshold. |
3041 |
High Pressure Disconnect Enable Changed |
The High Pressure Disconnect Enable configuration has changed. |
3042 |
Low Pressure Disconnect Enable Changed |
The Low Pressure Disconnect Enable configuration has changed. |
3043 |
Factory High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed |
The Factory High Flow Disconnect Enable configuration has changed. |
3044 |
High Pressure Threshold Changed |
A change has been made to the High Pressure Event configuration. |
3045 |
Low Pressure Threshold Changed |
A change has been made to the Low Pressure Event configuration. |
3046 |
Tamper Pressure Threshold Changed |
A change has been made to the Pressure Tamper Event configuration. |
3047 |
Pressure Logging Interval Changed |
A change has been made to the Pressure and Temperature Profile. |
3051 |
Pressure Sensing Capability Mismatch |
A mismatch has been detected between the pressure sensing capabilities of the index and meter body. This occurs if the index supports pressure sensing but the meter body does not, or if the meter body supports pressure sensing but the index does not. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10022 | Meter Calibrated | The meter has been calibrated. |
10023 |
Flow Sensor Configuration Changed |
The meter has detected that the configuration of the flow sensor has changed. |
10024 |
Meter Sealed |
The meter has been sealed. |
10025 |
Meter Unsealed |
The meter has been unsealed. |
10026 |
Potential Index Corruption Detected |
The device has detected that its index value(s) may have become corrupted. The device should be replaced. |
10027 |
Meter Calibrated - A2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration A2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10028 |
Meter Calibrated - B1 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B1 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10029 |
Meter Calibrated - B2 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B2 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10030 |
Meter Calibrated - B3 Value |
A change has been made to the Intelis Gas Meter's UMU calibration B3 value. This event is added to the log when the calibration completes. |
10031 |
Display Units Changed |
A change has been made to the meter's display units. |
10032 |
Digits Right Changed |
A change has been made to the Digits Right object. |
Water meters and ERTs

ERT type/subtype |
Event or tamper available and their description |
50W Pulser Remote (3-wire) |
Cable Cut. The ERT detects a cut or break in the cable. This counter value increases by 1 when an event occurs and then latches. Latch state is cleared when the ERT is read. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
50W Pulser Remote (2-wire) |
Cable Cut. Not supported and should be ignored if changes are seen. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
50W Pulser Direct Mount (3-wire) |
Cable Cut. The cable is not accessible. However, the cable tamper/event functions the same as the Remote (3-wire). The ERT detects a cut or break in the cable. This counter value increases by 1 when an event occurs and then latches. Latch state is cleared when the ERT is read. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
50W Encoder Remote (3-wire) |
Cable Cut. The ERT detects a cut or break in the cable. This counter value increases by 1 when an event occurs. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
50W Encoder Remote (2-wire) |
Cable Cut. Not supported and should be ignored if changes are seen. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |
50W Encoder Direct Mount (3-wire) |
Cable Cut. The cable is not accessible. However, the cable tamper/event functions the same as the Remote (3-wire). The ERT detects a cut or break in the cable. This counter value increases by 1 when an event occurs and then latches. Latch state is cleared when the ERT is read. Tilt. Detects a tilt of greater than 60 degrees occurred for more than 0.5 seconds. |

ERT type/subtype |
Event or tamper available and their description |
60W |
Leak Detection/Reverse Flow. Indicates that both Leak Detection and Reverse Flow conditions exist. The indicator changes when one condition no longer exists and resets to zero when both conditions no longer exist. Cable Cut. Detects a cut or break in the cable. |
60WP |
Leak Detection/Reverse Flow. Indicates that both Leak Detection and Reverse Flow conditions exist. The indicator changes when one condition no longer exists and resets to zero when both conditions no longer exist. Cable Cut. Detects a cut or break in the cable. |

ERT type/subtype |
Event or tamper available and their description |
100W |
Cable Cut. Detects a cut or break in the cable. Reverse Flow. Detects when an hourly index value is less than the previous hourly value. The flag remains set for 40 days. The 40-day counter restarts upon each occurrence of a reverse flow event. The value resets to zero after completing a 40-day cycle with no additional reverse flow occurrences. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
1 | Inter Digit |
There is a corrupt digit in the encoded register reading. |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
3 |
Invalid Read |
The register is not sending a valid read. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
7 |
Consumer Leak Detected |
The ERT has detected continuous flow over a set period of time. |
8 |
Consumer Leak End |
The ERT has detected the end of continuous flow after having reported a leak. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
11 |
Leak Sensor OK |
The ERT detects a leak sensor attached and it is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or was previously not working properly. |
12 |
Leak Sensor No Comm |
The ERT detects a leak sensor is attached, but it is not working properly. |
13 |
Leak Sensor Detached |
The ERT does not detect that a leak sensor is attached after previously having one attached. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
17 |
Pulse Mismatch |
The ERT has detected an internal pulse mismatch. |
18 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Detected |
A physical cut cable has been detected by the ERT. |
19 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) End |
A physical cut cable is no longer detected by the ERT. |
20 |
High Flow Detected |
The ERT detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. Note: If the device is in a high flow detected state, and high flow detection is disabled then this event should be logged immediately. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
501 |
Rightsizing Started |
The client has requested a rightsizing operating in the ERT. |
502 |
Rightsizing Completed |
The rightsizing operation is complete. |
503 |
Rightsizing Canceled |
The rightsizing operation was canceled. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
508 |
Set Meter Rightsizing Params |
Meter rightsizing parameters have been changed. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
1000 |
Register Removal |
Badger extended alarm: bit 0 = register removal. |
1001 |
Meter Temperature Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 1 = temperature alarm. |
1002 |
End of Meter Life |
Badger extended alarm: bit 2 = end of life alarm. |
1003 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Badger extended alarm: bit 3 = no usage alarm. |
1004 |
Reverse Flow Meter |
Badger extended alarm: bit 4 = reverse flow alarm. |
1005 |
Leak Meter Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 5 = leak alarm. |
1006 |
Encoder Programming |
Badger extended alarm: bit 6 = program alarm. |
1007 |
Meter Tamper |
Badger extended alarm: bit 7 = tamper. |
1500 |
Active Reverse Flow |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 0 = active reverse flow. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1501 |
Historic Reverse Flow Meter |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 1 = historic reverse. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1502 |
Active Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 2 = active dry. The meter is in a current empty pipe state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1503 |
Historic Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm: Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 3 = historic dry. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1504 |
Active Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 4 = active burst. The meter is currently in a high flow state outside of the meter parameters. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1505 |
Historic Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 5 = historic burst. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1506 |
Encoder Programming |
Kamstrup extended alarm: byte 1: bit 6 = the encoder setup has been changed one or more times since production. |
1507 |
Active Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 7 = the meter is in an active leak state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1508 |
Historic Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 8 = historic leak. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1509 |
Low Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The minimum meter temperature detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is lower than 36° F. |
1510 |
High Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The maximum meter temperature has been detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is higher than 125° F. |
1513 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The meter has detected no usage. |
1600 |
Backflow Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: Th meter's backflow consumption register indicates a total backflow that is outside of the threshold values for expected backflow. |
1601 |
Empty Pipe Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The device detects that the pipe is empty, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
1602 |
Meter Reversed |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that it has been installed in a reverse orientation. |
1603 |
Battery Low |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter's battery life has less than six months (for the NAM meter) or 12 months (for the international meter) remaining. |
1604 |
Leakage |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a leak. The average flow rate during each of the hours over the past day (for NAM meter) or over a configured number of days (for international meter)was above the leakage flow rate threshold. This event clears when the average flow rate for one hour returns to within the configured threshold. |
1605 |
Burst Flow Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a burst flow alarm which can indicate a broken pipe. |
1607 |
Tamper Alarm |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that the cover was opened. This can indicate that the meter has been tampered with. |
1608 |
Temperature Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a temperature alarm. The meter has reached a temperature that is outside of the temperature range. This event clears after the alarm duration time passes (one day minimum). |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3013 |
Flow Restriction Setting Changed |
A restrict/service limit event was received and has been completed. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3014 |
Flow Restriction Setting Failed |
A restrict/service limit was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10003 |
Count Sample Debounce Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration debounce changed. |
10004 |
Encoder Driver Type Changed |
The metrology parameter for encoder driver type changed. |
10005 |
Prescaler Changed |
The metrology parameter for prescaler changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10020 |
Count Sample Width Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample width parameters changed. |
10021 |
Count Sample Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample rate parameters changed. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
1 | Inter Digit |
There is a corrupt digit in the encoded register reading. |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
3 |
Invalid Read |
The register is not sending a valid read. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
7 |
Consumer Leak Detected |
The ERT has detected continuous flow over a set period of time. |
8 |
Consumer Leak End |
The ERT has detected the end of continuous flow after having reported a leak. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
11 |
Leak Sensor OK |
The ERT detects a leak sensor attached and it is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or was previously not working properly. |
12 |
Leak Sensor No Comm |
The ERT detects a leak sensor is attached, but it is not working properly. |
13 |
Leak Sensor Detached |
The ERT does not detect that a leak sensor is attached after previously having one attached. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
17 |
Pulse Mismatch |
The ERT has detected an internal pulse mismatch. |
18 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Detected |
A physical cut cable has been detected by the ERT. |
19 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) End |
A physical cut cable is no longer detected by the ERT. |
20 |
High Flow Detected |
The ERT detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
28 |
Encoder Micro Reset |
The ERT detects an encoder microprocessor reset. Remote-mount Itron Cellular 500W Modules only. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
541 |
Corrupt Alarm Data Received From Meter |
The ERT received a corrupt data character from the meter. This event is logged a maximum of one time per day. This event is not logged if the corrupt data character is received as part of the volume or consumption field. |
542 |
Fixed Network Connection Check Enable Changed |
The Fixed Network Connection Check Enable attribute has changed. |
1000 |
Register Removal |
Badger extended alarm: bit 0 = register removal. |
1001 |
Meter Temperature Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 1 = temperature alarm. |
1002 |
End of Meter Life |
Badger extended alarm: bit 2 = end of life alarm. |
1003 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Badger extended alarm: bit 3 = no usage alarm. |
1004 |
Reverse Flow Meter |
Badger extended alarm: bit 4 = reverse flow alarm. |
1005 |
Leak Meter Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 5 = leak alarm. |
1006 |
Encoder Programming |
Badger extended alarm: bit 6 = program alarm. |
1007 |
Meter Tamper |
Badger extended alarm: bit 7 = tamper. |
1500 |
Active Reverse Flow |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 0 = active reverse flow. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1501 |
Historic reverse Flow Meter |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 1 = historic reverse. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1502 |
Active Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 2 = active dry. The meter is in a current empty pipe state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1503 |
Historic Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm: Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 3 = historic dry. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1504 |
Active Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 4 = active burst. The meter is currently in a high flow state outside of the meter parameters. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1505 |
Historic Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 5 = historic burst. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1506 |
Encoder Programming |
Kamstrup extended alarm: byte 1: bit 6 = the encoder setup has been changed one or more times since production. |
1507 |
Active Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 7 = the meter is in an active leak state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1508 |
Historic Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 8 = historic leak. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1509 |
Low Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The minimum meter temperature detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is lower than 36° F. |
1510 |
High Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The maximum meter temperature has been detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is higher than 125° F. |
1513 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The meter has detected no usage. |
1600 |
Backflow Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: Th meter's backflow consumption register indicates a total backflow that is outside of the threshold values for expected backflow. |
1601 |
Empty Pipe Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The device detects that the pipe is empty, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
1602 |
Meter Reversed |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that it has been installed in a reverse orientation. |
1603 |
Battery Low |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter's battery life has less than six months (for the NAM meter) or 12 months (for the international meter) remaining. |
1604 |
Leakage |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a leak. The average flow rate during each of the hours over the past day (for NAM meter) or over a configured number of days (for international meter)was above the leakage flow rate threshold. This event clears when the average flow rate for one hour returns to within the configured threshold. |
1605 |
Burst Flow Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a burst flow alarm which can indicate a broken pipe. |
1607 |
Tamper Alarm |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that the cover was opened. This can indicate that the meter has been tampered with. |
1608 |
Temperature Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a temperature alarm. The meter has reached a temperature that is outside of the temperature range. This event clears after the alarm duration time passes (one day minimum). |
1800 |
Air In Tube Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected air in the supply system and water flow rate measurement is not possible. |
1801 |
Leak Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected leakage above threshold for 24 consecutive hours. The alarm is reset 15 minutes after consumption is below the leakage threshold. |
1802 |
Checksum Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that flash or RAM is corrupted or manipulated. This is a fatal error, the meter must be replaced. This error is cleared three days after it is raised. |
1803 |
Temperature Measurement Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter has encountered a temperature measurement error. They median temperature is too low or too high (22° F / 212° F, -30° C/ 100° C), or, the cable temperature sensor is cut or disconnected. |
1804 |
Ultrasonic Hardware Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter's ultrasonic hardware has encountered an error. The ultrasonic transducer is defective or short-circuited, or the ultrasonic transducer cable is cut or disconnected. |
1805 |
Power Consumption Out of Limit Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter is experiencing too much communication on its DMEI or optical interface over a short period of time. When communication capacity reaches zero (0) bytes, communication is temporarily paused. When communication capacity reaches below the minimum threshold (500 bytes is the default), then communications resume again. |
1806 |
Overflow Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects that flow is over the undersized meter threshold for one minute. The error is cleared after the detects flow that is under the undersized meter threshold for one minute. |
1807 |
Temperature Hardware Error |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: A hardware temperature error is detected for one minute. The temperature cable is damaged or cut. After three days of no hardware temperature error detected, the meter clears the alarm. |
1808 |
Reverse Flow Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects that consumption is below its configured limit. The 1.3 meter and the 2.0 meter versions reset this alarm after different consumption conditions are met. |
1809 |
No Usage Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects consumption below the no usage threshold for 30 days. The alarm is active one time ever 30 days. The alarm is cleared after consumption above the no usage threshold is measured for 15 minutes. |
1810 |
Measurement Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected seven consecutive days of measurements disturbed by influences of cavitation, air water mixture, heavy electromagnetic, or heavy mechanic interferences (vibration). These interferences can be caused by pumps or other heavy equipment operating near the meter. After three days of no disturbed measurements, the meter clears the alarm. |
1811 |
Low Temperature Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detected the temperature is lower than 3° C after four consecutive temperature measurements and the meter detects an Err4 at the same time. The meter resets the alarm after 30 days if the issue is resolved. |
1812 |
Empty Pipe Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detected an active Err7. The meter resets the alarm after 30 days without air detected in the pipe. |
1813 |
Overflow Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter (version 2.0 only) extended alarm: The meter detects flow that is above the undersized meter threshold for 30 consecutive minutes. When the meter detects flow below the threshold for one minute, it resets the alarm. |
1814 |
End of Life Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects the calculated battery life is fewer than 400 days. The meter resets the alarm when the calculated battery life is more than 400 days. |
1815 |
High Temperature Alarm |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects the medium temperature is hotter than 90° C for 60 consecutive minutes. The meter resets the alarm after medium temperature is 90° C or cooler for 60 consecutive minutes. |
1816 |
Fallback Mode |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects a significant deviation between measurements of the two measuring paths. The meter resets the alarm three days after the deviation of measurements between the two paths goes a way. |
1817 |
Metrological Log Access |
Diehl Hydrus Meter extended alarm: The meter detects an entry into the metrological log.The ERT logs this event only one time and logs it again only if the meter alarm goes away and then reappears. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3013 |
Flow Restriction Setting Changed |
A restrict/service limit event was received and has been completed. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3014 |
Flow Restriction Setting Failed |
A restrict/service limit was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3040 |
High Flow Threshold Configuration Changed |
A change was made to the High Flow Event Configuration threshold. |
3048 |
EDHOC Initiated |
The EDHOC process has been initiated. |
3049 |
EDHOC Error |
An error occurred during the EDHOC process. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10003 |
Count Sample Debounce Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration debounce changed. |
10004 |
Encoder Driver Type Changed |
The metrology parameter for encoder driver type changed. |
10005 |
Prescaler Changed |
The metrology parameter for prescaler changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10020 |
Count Sample Width Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample width parameters changed. |
10021 |
Count Sample Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample rate parameters changed. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
1 | Inter Digit |
There is a corrupt digit in the encoded register reading. |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
3 |
Invalid Read |
The register is not sending a valid read. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
7 |
Consumer Leak Detected |
The ERT has detected continuous flow over a set period of time. |
8 |
Consumer Leak End |
The ERT has detected the end of continuous flow after having reported a leak. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
11 |
Leak Sensor OK |
The ERT detects a leak sensor attached and it is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or was previously not working properly. |
12 |
Leak Sensor No Comm |
The ERT detects a leak sensor is attached, but it is not working properly. |
13 |
Leak Sensor Detached |
The ERT does not detect that a leak sensor is attached after previously having one attached. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
17 |
Pulse Mismatch |
The ERT has detected an internal pulse mismatch. |
18 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Detected |
A physical cut cable has been detected by the ERT. |
19 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) End |
A physical cut cable is no longer detected by the ERT. |
20 |
High Flow Detected |
The ERT detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
501 |
Rightsizing Started |
The client has requested a rightsizing operating in the ERT. |
502 |
Rightsizing Completed |
The rightsizing operation is complete. |
503 |
Rightsizing Canceled |
The rightsizing operation was canceled. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
508 |
Set Meter Rightsizing Params |
Meter rightsizing parameters have been changed. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
1000 |
Register Removal |
Badger extended alarm: bit 0 = register removal. |
1001 |
Meter Temperature Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 1 = temperature alarm. |
1002 |
End of Meter Life |
Badger extended alarm: bit 2 = end of life alarm. |
1003 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Badger extended alarm: bit 3 = no usage alarm. |
1004 |
Reverse Flow Meter |
Badger extended alarm: bit 4 = reverse flow alarm. |
1005 |
Leak Meter Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 5 = leak alarm. |
1006 |
Encoder Programming |
Badger extended alarm: bit 6 = program alarm. |
1007 |
Meter Tamper |
Badger extended alarm: bit 7 = tamper. |
1500 |
Active Reverse Flow |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 0 = active reverse flow. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1501 |
Historic reverse Flow Meter |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 1 = historic reverse. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1502 |
Active Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 2 = active dry. The meter is in a current empty pipe state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1503 |
Historic Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm: Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 3 = historic dry. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1504 |
Active Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 4 = active burst. The meter is currently in a high flow state outside of the meter parameters. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1505 |
Historic Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 5 = historic burst. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1506 |
Encoder Programming |
Kamstrup extended alarm: byte 1: bit 6 = the encoder setup has been changed one or more times since production. |
1507 |
Active Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 7 = the meter is in an active leak state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1508 |
Historic Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 8 = historic leak. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1509 |
Low Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The minimum meter temperature detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is lower than 36° F. |
1510 |
High Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The maximum meter temperature has been detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is higher than 125° F. |
1513 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The meter has detected no usage. |
1600 |
Backflow Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: Th meter's backflow consumption register indicates a total backflow that is outside of the threshold values for expected backflow. |
1601 |
Empty Pipe Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The device detects that the pipe is empty, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
1602 |
Meter Reversed |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that it has been installed in a reverse orientation. |
1603 |
Battery Low |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter's battery life has less than six months (for the NAM meter) or 12 months (for the international meter) remaining. |
1604 |
Leakage |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a leak. The average flow rate during each of the hours over the past day (for NAM meter) or over a configured number of days (for international meter)was above the leakage flow rate threshold. This event clears when the average flow rate for one hour returns to within the configured threshold. |
1605 |
Burst Flow Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a burst flow alarm which can indicate a broken pipe. |
1607 |
Tamper Alarm |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that the cover was opened. This can indicate that the meter has been tampered with. |
1608 |
Temperature Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a temperature alarm. The meter has reached a temperature that is outside of the temperature range. This event clears after the alarm duration time passes (one day minimum). |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3013 |
Flow Restriction Setting Changed |
A restrict/service limit event was received and has been completed. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3014 |
Flow Restriction Setting Failed |
A restrict/service limit was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10003 |
Count Sample Debounce Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration debounce changed. |
10004 |
Encoder Driver Type Changed |
The metrology parameter for encoder driver type changed. |
10005 |
Prescaler Changed |
The metrology parameter for prescaler changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10020 |
Count Sample Width Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample width parameters changed. |
10021 |
Count Sample Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample rate parameters changed. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
1 | Inter Digit |
There is a corrupt digit in the encoded register reading. |
2 | Register Error |
No communication with the register. |
3 |
Invalid Read |
The register is not sending a valid read. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The ERT module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
7 |
Consumer Leak Detected |
The ERT has detected continuous flow over a set period of time. |
8 |
Consumer Leak End |
The ERT has detected the end of continuous flow after having reported a leak. |
9 |
Reverse Flow Detected |
The ERT has detected reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
10 |
Reverse Flow End |
The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow. Note: This is sometimes referred to as backflow. |
11 |
Leak Sensor OK |
The ERT detects a leak sensor attached and it is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or was previously not working properly. |
12 |
Leak Sensor No Comm |
The ERT detects a leak sensor is attached, but it is not working properly. |
13 |
Leak Sensor Detached |
The ERT does not detect that a leak sensor is attached after previously having one attached. |
14 |
Valve OK |
The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and is working properly. The event is triggered when the state was previously unknown or previously not working properly. |
15 |
Valve No Comms |
The ERT detects a remote disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly. |
17 |
Pulse Mismatch |
The ERT has detected an internal pulse mismatch. |
18 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Detected |
A physical cut cable has been detected by the ERT. |
19 |
Cut Cable (Pulser) Endd |
A physical cut cable is no longer detected by the ERT. |
20 |
High Flow Detected |
The ERT detects consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold. |
21 |
High Flow End |
The ERT detects consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
501 |
Rightsizing Started |
The client has requested a rightsizing operating in the ERT. |
502 |
Rightsizing Completed |
The rightsizing operation is complete. |
503 |
Rightsizing Canceled |
The rightsizing operation was canceled. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
505 |
Meter Quiet Mode Exit |
Occurs when the ERT gets pulses or detects consumption for the first time. |
506 |
Entering OW Riva Network Mode |
The device has been changed to OpenWay Riva network mode. |
507 |
Set Battery Params |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
508 |
Set Meter Rightsizing Params |
Meter rightsizing parameters have been changed. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
510 |
Device Not Communicating |
The application has not received any incoming data, which indicates that the device may not be communicating on the network. |
511 |
Load Profile Cleared |
The load profile object has been cleared. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
514 |
Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full |
This event occurs when the Legally Relevant log is at 90% of its total capacity. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threashold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
517 |
Entering 100S Mode |
The device has been changed from OpenWay Riva network mode to ChoiceConnect 100-series mobile mode. |
1000 |
Register Removal |
Badger extended alarm: bit 0 = register removal. |
1001 |
Meter Temperature Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 1 = temperature alarm. |
1002 |
End of Meter Life |
Badger extended alarm: bit 2 = end of life alarm. |
1003 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Badger extended alarm: bit 3 = no usage alarm. |
1004 |
Reverse Flow Meter |
Badger extended alarm: bit 4 = reverse flow alarm. |
1005 |
Leak Meter Alarm |
Badger extended alarm: bit 5 = leak alarm. |
1006 |
Encoder Programming |
Badger extended alarm: bit 6 = program alarm. |
1007 |
Meter Tamper |
Badger extended alarm: bit 7 = tamper. |
1500 |
Active Reverse Flow |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 0 = active reverse flow. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1501 |
Historic reverse Flow Meter |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 1 = historic reverse. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1502 |
Active Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 2 = active dry. The meter is in a current empty pipe state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1503 |
Historic Empty Pipe |
Kamstrup extended alarm: Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 3 = historic dry. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1504 |
Active Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 4 = active burst. The meter is currently in a high flow state outside of the meter parameters. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1505 |
Historic Burst |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 5 = historic burst. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1506 |
Encoder Programming |
Kamstrup extended alarm: byte 1: bit 6 = the encoder setup has been changed one or more times since production. |
1507 |
Active Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 7 = the meter is in an active leak state. Debounce every 24 hours. |
1508 |
Historic Leak Meter Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm byte 1: bit 8 = historic leak. The active info-code within the last 30 days, no matter how long the info-code was active. Debounce every 30 days. |
1509 |
Low Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The minimum meter temperature detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is lower than 36° F. |
1510 |
High Temperature Alarm |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The maximum meter temperature has been detected. This alarm is sent when the temperature on the Kamstrup meter is higher than 125° F. |
1513 |
Zero Consumption Detected |
Kamstrup extended alarm: The meter has detected no usage. |
1600 |
Backflow Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: Th meter's backflow consumption register indicates a total backflow that is outside of the threshold values for expected backflow. |
1601 |
Empty Pipe Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The device detects that the pipe is empty, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation. |
1602 |
Meter Reversed |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that it has been installed in a reverse orientation. |
1603 |
Battery Low |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter's battery life has less than six months (for the NAM meter) or 12 months (for the international meter) remaining. |
1604 |
Leakage |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a leak. The average flow rate during each of the hours over the past day (for NAM meter) or over a configured number of days (for international meter)was above the leakage flow rate threshold. This event clears when the average flow rate for one hour returns to within the configured threshold. |
1605 |
Burst Flow Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a burst flow alarm which can indicate a broken pipe. |
1607 |
Tamper Alarm |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected that the cover was opened. This can indicate that the meter has been tampered with. |
1608 |
Temperature Alarm Detected |
Intelis Water Meter extended alarm: The meter has detected a temperature alarm. The meter has reached a temperature that is outside of the temperature range. This event clears after the alarm duration time passes (one day minimum). |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The OpenWay Collections Manager (OWCM) configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the ERT (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The ERT was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3007 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. |
3008 |
Disconnect Failed |
The disconnect command was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3011 |
Disconnect Completed |
The disconnect command was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3012 |
Connect Failed |
The reconnect command was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3013 |
Flow Restriction Setting Changed |
A restrict/service limit event was received and has been completed. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3014 |
Flow Restriction Setting Failed |
A restrict/service limit was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose-result attribute of the DisconnectControl object. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3019 |
Takeover Package Accepted |
A takeover package was presented and accepted by the ERT. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the ERT. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization was issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
10000 |
PCOMP Changed |
The metrology parameter for pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed. |
10001 |
Count Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count rate changed. |
10002 |
Rollover Count Changed |
The metrology parameter for rollover count changed. |
10003 |
Count Sample Debounce Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration debounce changed. |
10004 |
Encoder Driver Type Changed |
The metrology parameter for encoder driver type changed. |
10005 |
Prescaler Changed |
The metrology parameter for prescaler changed. |
10006 |
Initial Index |
The metrology parameter for initial index changed. |
10007 |
Image Transfer Initiated (Enabled) |
An image transfer command was initiated. |
10008 |
Image Transfer Canceled (Disabled) |
An image transfer command was canceled. |
10009 |
Image Transfer Cancel Failed |
An image transfer command was canceled but was not successful. |
10010 |
Image Verification Initiated |
The process to verify an image has started. |
10011 |
Image Verification Successful |
The image verification process was successful. |
10012 |
Image Verification Failed |
The image verification process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10013 |
Image Activation Initiated |
The image activation process was initiated. |
10014 |
Image Activation Successful |
The image activation process was successful. |
10015 |
Image Activation Failed |
The image activation process was initiated, but was not successful. |
10019 |
Load Profile Interval Changed |
A change was made to the CompressedLoadProfile object capture_period. |
10020 |
Count Sample Width Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample width parameters changed. |
10021 |
Count Sample Rate Changed |
The metrology parameter for count sample configuration sample rate parameters changed. |

Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
506 |
Entering Network Mode |
The device has been changed to a network mode. |
507 |
Battery Parameter Set |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
531 |
EFC State Changed |
The EFC's current state changed or the device's parent in the neighbor MAC address has changed. |
544 |
Powered from internal non-rechargable battery |
The SBAP has started charging its internal rechargeable battery from the internal non-rechargeable battery. This means that the internal rechargeable battery has been depleted to the point where it has fallen below the internal rechargeable battery depth of discharge threshold lower limit. This event is logged a maximum of one time per day. |
545 |
Low Solar Panel Output Start |
The SBAP has detected that the solar panel short circuit current has remained at or below the minimum threshold for an extended period of time. This event is not logged while the device is in Factory Ship Mode. |
546 |
Low Solar Panel Output End |
The SBAP has detected that solar panel short circuit current has once again exceeded the minimum threshold for at least one hour. |
547 |
Low Rechargeable Battery Voltage Start |
The SBAP has detected that its rechargeable battery voltage has reached or falled below the low threshold. |
548 |
Low Rechargeable Battery Voltage End |
The SBAP has detected that its rechargeable battery voltage has risen above the recovery threshold. |
549 |
Terminating Proxy Functionality |
The device has stopped acting as a proxy for child devices. This can be caused by a lack of resources such as low battery voltage or other conditions. |
550 |
Restarting Proxy Functionality |
The SBAP has resumed acting as a proxy for child devices. |
551 |
Comm Failure Secondary Micro Start |
The main microprocessor has failed to communicate with the seconday micro. In this case, the main micro attempts to communicate with the secondary micro every minute. The main micro resets the secondary micro to attempt to restore communications. If the main micro resets while this event is active, the event may be logged again the next time the main micro attempts to communicate with the secondary micro (resulting in two "start" events before a corresponding "end" event). |
552 |
Comm Failure Secondary Micro End |
The main micro has once again successfully communicated with the secondary micro after having experienced a loss of communication. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The head end system configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the SBAP (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The SBAP was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the module. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3048 |
EDHOC Initiated |
The EDHOC process has been initiated. |
3049 |
EDHOC Error |
An error occurred during the EDHOC process. |
3052 |
Driver's License Import Validation Error |
A validation error occurred when importing a driver's license. The SBAP logs this event as soon as the error occurs, but does not log the event again for the current 24-hour period (the 24-hour period restarts at midnight, UTC). This results in a maximum of one of this event being logged per day at the time that the error occurred. |
6000 |
Cellular Communications Stopped |
Communications reliability is inadequate and communications have been aborted. This can occur due to poor signaling conditions (such as a bad coverage area) or to exceeding the battery threshold for transmission. Reason codes are as follows: 0. Battery utilization 1. Signal quality 2. Registration battery utilization 3. Daily battery use exceeded 4. Daily battery use exceeded override |
6001 |
Modem Reset |
The SBAP's modem has been reset. The reason code for the reset condition and the anticipated modem off time, in minutes, is listed in the details. |
6002 |
No Comms |
The modem has not passed a paging request in >15 hours and 45 minutes when in eDRX Celllular Operating Mode; 24 hours when in PSM Cellular Operating Mode. The event is logged upon every expiration of the time. The time is rest and starts counting down again after each logging. This even should always be configured as an alarm to assure assistance with modem communications reestablishment and to help avoiding the PDN time behavior on cellular networks. |
6004 |
Cell ID Change Count |
he Cell ID (tower/sector) has changed through the day. This event provides a count of incidents (if non-zero) along with the latest Cell ID value. |
6009 |
Excessive Modem Current Detected |
The SBAP has detected the average daily modem current use has exceeded an excessive modem current threshold. |
6010 |
Excessive Modem Current End |
The SBAP has detected that the average daily modem current use has fallen below the excessive use threshold. |
6011 |
Cellular Network Assessment Start |
The SBAP has started a cellular network assessment. |
6012 |
Cellular Network Assessment End |
The SBAP has concluded a cellular network assessment. |
6013 |
Cellular Registration Denied |
The cellular registration has been denied by the tower/carrier. Registration will attempt again per the protocol specifications. If the SBAP uses the Sequans modem, the reason code is indicated by reason 3, Rejected Attempting Attach. The event is logged one time per day at midnight, UTC. The event details contain the count of indications for the day. |
6014 |
No Cellular Network Coverage |
The SBAP's modem indicated that no cellular network could be found. Searching for a network will be attempted again per the protocol specifications. If the SBAP uses the Sequans modem, the reason code is indicated by reason 4, No Suitable Cell. The event is logged one time per day at midnight, UTC. The event details contain the count of indications for the day. |
6015 |
Cellular Registered But Roaming |
The SBAP's modem has indicated that it has successfully registered with a cellular network, but it is roaming. If the SBAP uses the Sequancs modem, the reason code is indicated by reason 5, Roaming Connection. The event is logged one time per day at midnight, UTC. The event details contain the count of indications for the day. |
10033 |
Image Transfer Failed |
An image transfer operation has failed. Note: There are specific failure event IDs for verification failed (10012) and activation failed (10015) so this event is not logged in those cases. |
10034 |
Image Transfer Resumed |
An image transfer operation has been resumed. |
10035 |
Proxy Image Distribution Started |
The proxy device has started an image distribution. |
10036 |
Proxy Image Distribution Completed |
The proxy device completed an image distribution. This does not necessarily mean that the image was successfully distributed to all target devices. |
10037 |
Proxy Image Distribution Canceled |
Distribution of an image by the proxy device has been canceled. |
10038 |
Proxy Image Distribution Failed |
Distribution of an image by the proxy device has failed. This could be logged if the image distribution start request fails or if the actual block transfer fails. |
10039 |
Proxy Configuration Distribution Started |
The proxy device has started a configuration distribution. |
10040 |
Proxy Configuration Distirbution Completed |
The proxy device has completed a configuration distribution. This does not necessarily mean that the configuration was successfully distributed to all target devices. |
10041 |
Proxy Configuration Distribution Canceled |
Distribution of a configuration by the proxy device has been canceled. |
10042 |
Proxy Configuration Distribution Failed |
Distribution of a configuration by the proxy device has failed. This could be logged if the configuration distribution start request fails or if the actual transfer fails. |
Event Code |
Event Name |
Event Description |
4 |
Tilt Detected |
The tilt detector has been activated, possibly as a result of physical tampering. |
6 |
Low Battery |
The module has a low battery warning. Just 10% of the battery's life remains. |
500 |
Critical Error (Internal) |
A critical internal error has occurred that is not described by other events. |
504 |
Flash Error |
A flash error has been detected. |
506 |
Entering Network Mode |
The device has been changed to a network mode. |
507 |
Battery Parameter Set |
Any change to the Battery Use Parameters structure results in this event. |
509 |
Key Update |
The key has been updated in the device. |
512 |
Manual Time Sync |
The time has been changed manually. |
515 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold Detected |
A Time change greater than the warning level threshold has been detected. |
516 |
Time Sync - Over Threshold End |
A time change greater than the warning level threshold has ended and is back below the threshold. |
531 |
EFC State Changed |
The EFC's current state changed or the device's parent in the neighbor MAC address has changed. |
544 |
Powered from internal non-rechargable battery |
The SBAP has started charging its internal rechargeable battery from the internal non-rechargeable battery. This means that the internal rechargeable battery has been depleted to the point where it has fallen below the internal rechargeable battery depth of discharge threshold lower limit. This event is logged a maximum of one time per day. |
545 |
Low Solar Panel Output Start |
The SBAP has detected that the solar panel short circuit current has remained at or below the minimum threshold for an extended period of time. This event is not logged while the device is in Factory Ship Mode. |
546 |
Low Solar Panel Output End |
The SBAP has detected that solar panel short circuit current has once again exceeded the minimum threshold for at least one hour. |
547 |
Low Rechargeable Battery Voltage Start |
The SBAP has detected that its rechargeable battery voltage has reached or falled below the low threshold. |
548 |
Low Rechargeable Battery Voltage End |
The SBAP has detected that its rechargeable battery voltage has risen above the recovery threshold. |
549 |
Terminating Proxy Functionality |
The device has stopped acting as a proxy for child devices. This can be caused by a lack of resources such as low battery voltage or other conditions. |
550 |
Restarting Proxy Functionality |
The SBAP has resumed acting as a proxy for child devices. |
551 |
Comm Failure Secondary Micro Start |
The main microprocessor has failed to communicate with the seconday micro. In this case, the main micro attempts to communicate with the secondary micro every minute. The main micro resets the secondary micro to attempt to restore communications. If the main micro resets while this event is active, the event may be logged again the next time the main micro attempts to communicate with the secondary micro (resulting in two "start" events before a corresponding "end" event). |
552 |
Comm Failure Secondary Micro End |
The main micro has once again successfully communicated with the secondary micro after having experienced a loss of communication. |
3000 |
Device Reconfigured |
The head end system configuration in the device has changed. |
3001 |
Event Log Cleared |
The Itron event log has been reset. |
3003 |
Configuration Downloaded |
A new configuration has been downloaded. |
3004 |
System Reboot |
A watchdog error. Reboot. |
3005 |
System Restart |
A planned restart of the SBAP (for example, after a firmware download completes). |
3006 |
Improper Installation Detected |
The SBAP was unable to adopt configuration information. |
3015 |
Authentication Failed |
An application level security failure - authentication. This event occurs with an application level security failure for authentication. |
3016 |
Access Control Failed |
An application level security failure - access control. This event occurs with an application level security failure for access control. |
3017 |
Key Rollover |
A key rollover command received. |
3018 |
Key Signing |
An application-level security failure for certificates. |
3020 |
Takeover Package Rejected |
A takeover package was presented, but rejected by the module. |
3021 |
Replay Attack Detected |
An application-level security failure for replays. |
3022 |
RMA Signed Authorization Received |
A signed authorization issued to "Itron-RMA" has been received. |
3048 |
EDHOC Initiated |
The EDHOC process has been initiated. |
3049 |
EDHOC Error |
An error occurred during the EDHOC process. |
3052 |
Driver's License Import Validation Error |
A validation error occurred when importing a driver's license. The SBAP logs this event as soon as the error occurs, but does not log the event again for the current 24-hour period (the 24-hour period restarts at midnight, UTC). This results in a maximum of one of this event being logged per day at the time that the error occurred. |
6000 |
Cellular Communications Stopped |
Communications reliability is inadequate and communications have been aborted. This can occur due to poor signaling conditions (such as a bad coverage area) or to exceeding the battery threshold for transmission. Reason codes are as follows: 0. Battery utilization 1. Signal quality 2. Registration battery utilization 3. Daily battery use exceeded 4. Daily battery use exceeded override |
6001 |
Modem Reset |
The SBAP's modem has been reset. The reason code for the reset condition and the anticipated modem off time, in minutes, is listed in the details. |
6002 |
No Comms |
The modem has not passed a paging request in >15 hours and 45 minutes when in eDRX Celllular Operating Mode; 24 hours when in PSM Cellular Operating Mode. The event is logged upon every expiration of the time. The time is rest and starts counting down again after each logging. This even should always be configured as an alarm to assure assistance with modem communications reestablishment and to help avoiding the PDN time behavior on cellular networks. |
6004 |
Cell ID Change Count |
he Cell ID (tower/sector) has changed through the day. This event provides a count of incidents (if non-zero) along with the latest Cell ID value. |
6009 |
Excessive Modem Current Detected |
The SBAP has detected the average daily modem current use has exceeded an excessive modem current threshold. |
6010 |
Excessive Modem Current End |
The SBAP has detected that the average daily modem current use has fallen below the excessive use threshold. |
6011 |
Cellular Network Assessment Start |
The SBAP has started a cellular network assessment. |
6012 |
Cellular Network Assessment End |
The SBAP has concluded a cellular network assessment. |